Last week Tecnimont, which is currently executing EPC activities at the Amur Gas Processing Plant (AGPP) and at the Amur Gas Chemical Complex (AGCC) in Svobodny – Russia, donated a set of medical equipment for the treatment of patients with COVID-19 to the Svobodny hospital. The equipment supplied includes oxygen concentrators, oxygen humidifiers, germicidal emitters, UV lamps and pulse oximeters.

Supporting local communities is part of Maire Tecnimont Group’s approach to address social needs of the territories the Group works in, with further commitment when the conditions get harder like during the pandemic. Therefore, Tecnimont's management decided to supply the Svobodny hospital with the equipment and materials which are needed now to fight the coronavirus. We contacted the management of the hospital, asked what kind of equipment they needed right now, made a detailed list together and purchased the equipment.” said Eugenia Zavadskaya, Project Social and Cultural Integration Coordinator for AGPP & AGCC projects.

The main part of the donated equipment are eight oxygen concentrators with two oxygen supply outlets: each can be used for two patients at once, that is, the transferred equipment will be able to treat 16 patients with oxygen simultaneously.

The need for oxygen supply for patients with a new coronavirus infection has been proven in world practice. This is one of the main conditions for successful treatment, which begins with oxygen support,” said Nina Lesik, Head Physician of the Svobodny hospital. - Therefore, your help was very timely. This will ensure the availability and quality of medical care, and after, with a decrease in the incidence of coronavirus infection, these oxygen concentrators will be needed in the treatment of patients with cardiovascular diseases, as well as for the smallest patients in need of oxygen support, and patients with severe pathology in intensive care units... Thank you very much again, and I hope for further cooperation.

 This is not the first time Tecnimont supports the Svobodny hospital. In December 2020, we delivered personal protective equipment for doctors (protective suits, respirators, masks, gloves, goggles, shoe covers), disinfectants and detergents, as well as consumables necessary for the treatment of patients with a new coronavirus infection. Earlier, Tecnimont’s employees, through personal donations, helped the social unit of the children's department of the hospital, purchasing baby food, baby care and hygiene products for babies temporarily without parental care. With donations from Tecnimont employees, a bottle sterilizer and a baby nebulizer were also purchased and handed over to the children's department.

We are proud of our employees,” - Eugenia Zavadskaya commented, - “they never stay away from someone else's misfortune and always respond to our calls to help locals in difficult life situations, actively participate in our educational projects and charitable initiatives. Such an active life position of our employees, their desire to integrate with the local community, to contribute to its development is very consonant with our Group’s policy implemented in our projects all around the world.